
Oplysninger om vores behandling af dine personoplysninger mv.

1.    Vi er den dataansvarlige – hvordan kontakter du os?

K.V. Stampe og Sønner er dataansvarlig for behandlingen af de personoplysninger, som vi har modtaget om dig. Du finder vores kontaktoplysninger nedenfor.

K.V. Stampe og Sønner

Ringvejen 60
7900 Nykøbing Mors

CVR-nr.: 40493719

Telefon: +45 86 12 58 02


2.    Kontaktoplysninger på databeskyttelsesrådgiveren

Hvis du har spørgsmål til vores behandling af dine oplysninger, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte vores databeskyttelsesrådgiver.

Du kan kontakte vores databeskyttelsesrådgiver på følgende måder:

  • På e-mail:
  • På telefon: +45 86 12 58 02
  • Ved brev: Ringvejen 60 – 7900 Nykøbing Mors

3.    Formålene med og retsgrundlaget for behandlingen af dine personoplysninger

Vi behandler dine personoplysninger til følgende formål:

Websitet anvender ”cookies”, der er en tekstfil, som gemmes på din computer, mobil el. tilsvarende med det formål at genkende den, huske indstillinger, udføre statistik og målrette annoncer. Cookies kan ikke indeholde skadelig kode som f.eks. virus.

Det er muligt at slette eller blokere for cookies. Se vejledning:

Hvis du sletter eller blokerer cookies vil annoncer kunne blive mindre relevante for dig og optræde hyppigere. Du kan desuden risikere at websitet ikke fungerer optimalt samt at der er indhold, du ikke kan få adgang til.

4.    Kategorier af personoplysninger

Vi behandler følgende kategorier af personoplysninger om dig:

Vi indsamler og behandler typisk følgende typer af oplysninger: Et unikt ID og tekniske oplysninger om din computer, tablet eller mobiltelefon, dit IP-nummer, geografisk placering, samt hvilke sider du klikker på (interesser). I det omfang du selv giver eksplicit samtykke hertil og selv indtaster informationerne behandles desuden: Navn, telefonnummer, e-mail, adresse og betalingsoplysninger. Det vil typisk være i forbindelse med oprettelse af login eller ved køb.

5.     Modtagere eller kategorier af modtagere

Vi videregiver eller overlader dine personoplysninger til følgende modtagere:

Data om din brug af websitet, hvilke annoncer, du modtager og evt. klikker på, geografisk placering, køn og alderssegment m.v. videregives til tredjeparter i det omfang disse oplysninger er kendt.

Vi benytter herudover en række tredjeparter til opbevaring og behandling af data. Disse behandler udelukkende oplysninger på vores vegne og må ikke anvende dem til egne formål.

Videregivelse af personoplysninger som navn og e-mail m.v. vil kun ske, hvis du giver samtykke til det. Vi anvender kun databehandlere i EU eller i lande, der kan give dine oplysninger en tilstrækkelig beskyttelse.

6.    Hvor dine personoplysninger stammer fra


Kategori 1 – Nødvendige cookies
Disse cookies er essentielle for at bevæge dig rundt på sitet og benytte dets features. Uden disse cookies vil loginoplysninger og indkøbskurve f.eks. ikke være gemt.

Kategori 2 – Brugsmæssige cookies
Denne form for cookies indsamler anonym information om hvordan du bruger vores website. F.eks. bruger vi Google Analytics cookies til at forstå hvordan kunderne ankommer og benytter vores site så vi kan forbedre ting som navigation, shopping oplevelsen og marketing kampagner. Data fra denne form for cookies viser IKKE personlige detaljer så den individuelle identitet kan blive fastslået. Du kan fravælge denne form for cookie i dine browser indstillinger, men det kan ændre oplevelsen på vores website.

Kategori 3 – Funktionsmæssige cookies
Denne form for cookies husker valg som f.eks. hvilket land du besøger fra, valuta du benytter, størrelse vælger, mærker du foretrækker osv. Det bruger vi til at skræddersy en mere personlig oplevelse, og tilbyde de meste relevante produkter og den bedste brugeroplevelse. Denne data er anonymiseret og kan ikke bruges af andre websites. Du kan fravælge denne form for cookie i dine browser indstillinger, men det kan ændre oplevelsen på vores website.

Kategori 4 – Målrettede eller annonceringsmæssige cookies
Denne form for cookies indsamler information omkring din søgehistorik for at målrette annoncer for mere relevant indhold for dig og dine interesser. De hjælper også til at begrænse antallet af gange du bliver disponeret for en specifik annonce. Denne form for cookies er som regel placeret ved tredjeparts annoncerings netværk. De husker de websites du besøger og deler dem med andre parter såsom annoncører. F.eks. benytter vi tredjeparts netværk til at dele mere personlige annoncer til dig, når du benytter andre websites. Du kan se en liste over hyppigt benyttes tredjeparter her

7.     Opbevaring af dine personoplysninger

Vi opbevarer dine personoplysninger i 3 år.

8. Retten til at trække samtykke tilbage

Du har til enhver tid ret til at trække dit samtykke tilbage. Dette kan du gøre ved at kontakte os på de kontaktoplysninger, der fremgår ovenfor i punkt 1.

Hvis du vælger at trække dit samtykke tilbage, påvirker det ikke lovligheden af vores behandling af dine personoplysninger på baggrund af dit tidligere meddelte samtykke og op til tidspunktet for tilbagetrækningen. Hvis du tilbagetrækker dit samtykke, har det derfor først virkning fra dette tidspunkt.

9. Dine rettigheder

Du har efter databeskyttelsesforordningen en række rettigheder i forhold til vores behandling af oplysninger om dig. 

Hvis du vil gøre brug af dine rettigheder skal du kontakte os.

Ret til at se oplysninger (indsigtsret)

Du har ret til at få indsigt i de oplysninger, som vi behandler om dig, samt en række yderligere oplysninger.

Ret til berigtigelse (rettelse)

Du har ret til at få urigtige oplysninger om dig selv rettet.

Ret til sletning

I særlige tilfælde har du ret til at få slettet oplysninger om dig, inden tidspunktet for vores almindelige generelle sletning indtræffer.

Ret til begrænsning af behandling

Du har visse tilfælde ret til at få behandlingen af dine personoplysninger begrænset. Hvis du har ret til at få begrænset behandlingen, må vi fremover kun behandle oplysningerne – bortset fra opbevaring – med dit samtykke, eller med henblik på at retskrav kan fastlægges, gøres gældende eller forsvares, eller for at beskytte en person eller vigtige samfundsinteresser.

Ret til indsigelse

Du har i visse tilfælde ret til at gøre indsigelse mod vores eller lovlige behandling af dine personoplysninger. Du kan også gøre indsigelse mod behandling af dine oplysninger til direkte markedsføring.

Ret til at transmittere oplysninger (dataportabilitet)

Du har i visse tilfælde ret til at modtage dine personoplysninger i et struktureret, almindeligt anvendt og maskinlæsbart format samt at få overført disse personoplysninger fra én dataansvarlig til en anden uden hindring.

Du kan læse mere om dine rettigheder i Datatilsynets vejledning om de registreredes rettigheder, som du finder på

10. Klage til Datatilsynet ((hvis Domstolsstyrelsen er rette klagemyndighed, skal du tilrette afsnit 12))

Du har ret til at indgive en klage til Datatilsynet, hvis du er utilfreds med den måde, vi behandler dine personoplysninger på. Du finder Datatilsynets kontaktoplysninger på




Information about our processing of your personal information, etc.

1.    We are the data controller - how to contact us should you?

KV Stampe and Sønner are data administrators for processing the personal information we have received about you. You will find our contact information below.

KV Stampe and Sons

Ringvejen 60
7900 Nykøbing Mors

CVR No .: 40493719

Phone: +45 86 12 58 02


2.        Contact information on the data protection consultant

If you have any questions about our processing of your information, you are always welcome to contact our data protection consultant.

You can contact our data protection consultant in the following ways:

  • By e-mail:
  • On the phone: +45 86 12 58 02
  • By letter: Ringvejen 60 - 7900 Nykøbing Mors

3.        Defend your lips with and legal basis one for the processing of your personal data

We treat your personal information for the following purposes:

The website uses "cookies", which is a text file that is stored on your computer, mobile or mobile. Similarly for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics, and targeting ads. Cookies can not contain malicious code such as virus.

It is possible to delete or block cookies. See instructions:

If you delete or block cookies, ads may become less relevant to you and occur more frequently. In addition, you may risk that the site is not functioning properly and that there are content you can not access.

4.        Categories of personal information

We treat the following categories of personal information about you:

We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographic location, and which pages you click (interests). To the extent that you explicitly consent to this and even enter the information, you will also be treated: Name, phone number, email, address and payment information. This will typically be associated with the creation of login or purchase.

5.        Recipients or categories of recipients

We disclose or leave your personal information to the following recipients:

Data about your use of the website, which ads you receive and, if any, clicks, geographic location, gender, and age segments, etc. is disclosed to third parties to the extent that this information is known.

In addition, we use a number of third parties to store and process data. These only deal with information on our behalf and may not be used for their own purposes.

The disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail etc. will only be made if you consent to it. We only use computer users in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with adequate protection.

6.        Where your personal information originates from

 Category 1 - Required cookies
These cookies are essential to move around the site and use its features. Without these cookies, login information and shopping cart, for example. not be saved.

Category 2 - Useful cookies
This form of cookies collects anonymous information about how to use our website. Eg. we use Google Analytics cookies to understand how customers arrive and use our site so we can improve things like navigation, shopping experience and marketing campaigns. Data from this form of cookies does NOT display personal details so that the individual identity can be determined. You can deselect this kind of cookie in your browser settings, but it may change the experience on our website.

Category 3 - Functional cookies
This kind of cookies remembers choices such as which country you visit from, currency you use, size select, brands you prefer, etc. We use this to tailor a more personal experience, offering the most relevant products and the best user experience. This data is anonymous and can not be used by other websites. You can deselect this kind of cookie in your browser settings, but it may change the experience on our website.

Category 4 - Targeted or Advertising Cookies
This kind of cookies collect information about your search e history to target ads more relevant content for you and your interests. They also help to limit the number of times you are allocated to a specific ad. This kind of cookies is usually located on third party advertising networks. They remember the websites you visit and share them with other parties such as

7.       The right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting us at the contact details listed in section 1 above.

If you choose to withdraw your consent, it does not affect the legality of our processing of your personal information based on your prior consent and until the date of withdrawal. If you withdraw your consent, therefore, it will not be effective until this date.

8.       Your rights

You have a number of rights under the Data Protection Regulation in relation to our processing of information about you.

If you want to use your rights , please contact us.

Right to see information (inscribed)

You are entitled to gain insight into the information that we are processing about you, as well as a number of additional information.

Right to rectification (correction)

You are entitled to receive incorrect information about yourself.

Right to delete

In special cases, you have the right to delete information about you before the time of our general general deletion occurs.

Right to limitation of treatment

You may have limited access to the processing of your personal information. If you are entitled to limited treatment, in future, we may only process the information - except for storage - with your consent or for the purpose of determining, enforcing or defending legal claims, or for protecting a person or important social interests.

Right to object

In some cases, you may object to our or legitimate processing of your personal information. You can also object to processing your information for direct marketing.

Right to transmit information (data portability)

You may, in certain cases, have the right to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transfer such personal data from one data controller to another without any hindrance.

You can read more about your rights in the Data Inspectorate's Guide on the Registrar's Rights, which you will find at .

10.       Complaints to the Data Inspectorate ((if the Court of Justice is the right prosecutor, please edit section 12))

You are entitled to file a complaint with the Data Inspectorate if you are unhappy with the way we process your personal information. You will find the Data Inspectorate's contact information at

11. What types of cookies does the Site use and what are they for?

We may use different types of cookies. We may use what we call "Required" or "Functional" cookies to enable core site functionalities, such as logging-in and completing an Order for Products. These cookies do not collect personal information for marketing purposes and can not be disabled.

"Advertising" or "Reporting" cookies may be finally used to keep record of certain behaviours or preferences expressed by you, so as to present content that is more relevant to your interests, in compliance with the applicable data protection and privacy laws and upon collection of your express consent if required by law. These cookies may also enable you to share some Site content through social networks. To review the respective privacy policies cookies, you can visit the social networks websites. These cookies can be disabled in accordance with Section "How can you control, delete or withdraw your consent to the use of cookies ?" below.

In any case, our cookies do not run programs on users' device nor upload viruses on it, and do not allow any kind of control over the device.

Cookies commonly used on this Site are listed in the table below. From time to time, we may also use additional cookies and tracking technologies not listed in this table. You may obtain an updated list of all cookies and tracking technologies used on this Site at the time of your visit upon request by contacting our Privacy Office (at

We use Shopify to power our online store. You can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information here:

Cookie declaration last updated on 7/14/22 by




Cookie expiration time





This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor it tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics.

2 years

Google LLC



This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor it tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics.

2 years

Google LLC



Registers a unique ID for a website visitor it tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics.

2 years 26 seconds

Google, Inc



This cookie is used to track, report, and analyze on landing pages.

2 weeks




This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a shopping part.

2 weeks




This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

30 minutes 26 seconds




This cookie is set by Shopify and is used for analytics related to marketing and recommendations.





Shopify analytics.

30 minutes 26 seconds




Shopify analytics.

1 year 26 seconds




Shopify analytics.

1 year 26 seconds




This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout.

2 weeks 1 hour




Used in connection with checkout.

2 weeks 1 hour

Shopify Inc.



This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout.

2 weeks 1 hour

Shopify Inc.



This cookie is being set for the management of the shopping cart

2 weeks 1 hour

Shopify Inc.



Shopify. Used in connection with customer login.

1 year 26 seconds




This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.

2 hours





2 hours




This cookie is used by Facebook for advertising purposes and conversion tracking.

3 months 1 second




Set by Google Analytics to control the request rate.

1 minute

Google LLC



Registers a unique ID for a website visitor it tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics.

1 day

Google, Inc



Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals.

30 minutes




Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals.

30 minutes




Cookie set by Facebook. The gathered information is used in their advertising products, for example real time bidding from third party advertisers.

3 months




This cookie contains your unique ID so CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website.

11 months 3 weeks 5 days

Cookie First



This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily.

11 months 3 weeks 5 days

Cookie First

​When you visit the Site, you may receive cookies from third party websites or domains. We do not control the placing of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party's website for more information about these cookies. The relevant third party is responsible for providing you with information regarding the cookies they place and obtaining your consent before placing cookies on your device.